Aids in retraining muscles & connective tissues, massage therapy for the childbearing year can help the body restore itself to its pre-pregnancy condition, specifically in the abdomen, pelvis & back. Helps combat the emotional stress & muscle tension that comes with mothering a newborn. Facilitation of the healing of hemorrhoids, bladder disorders, post-episiotomies soreness & caesarean section. Bengkung wrap is an add on for $40.
Recommended to purchase two Bengkung Wrap for hygiene. The purpose of Bengkung wrap is to aid in slimming down the tummy and tighten the abdomen that may have sagged after the childbirth .Recommended to wear the wrap for at least 6 hours.
You may also herbal ball therapy as an add on during the postnatal massage. It is handmade and free from chemicals. This therapy helps to improve blood circulation, expels wind, detoxify impurities, speed up the contraction process of womb, relieve muscular, tensions and re-energizes body.
*Additional Transportation charges may apply depending on location. Price quoted is based on 10 sessions of an hour each of postnatal massage. Suitable to be given as gifts.